Birou de traduceri :: ro eng  
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    Retards - we all know one.
Jobs-Biroul de Traduceri Champollion
Full time || Part time
I. Full time

Currently there are no vacant jobs within our company.

Champollion Translation Agency is looking for an English specialized language translator [preferably + another foreign language] for a full-time position, who shall meet the following conditions: 

- High education (graduate of Foreign Languages University - English language specialisation – another foreign language);

- to possess a Translator Authorisation issued by the Ministry of Justice. 

- to have at least 2 years experience in translating texts in different specialised fields  (general, legal, technical, economic, medical, transport, etc.)

- experience in using the Ms. Office package (typing speed, techno-editing)

- experience in consecutive and simultaneous interpretation - is an advantage

- organised, responsible, serious, with good communication and relational abilities  

- concentrated on quality 

- ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines. 

- experience with CAT tools is an advantage


Name :
Email :
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CV :

II. Part-time cooperation
The Champollion Translation Agency is looking for freelance translators for all languages, in order to cooperate or have a full-time position, who shall meet the following conditions: to possess a Translator Authorisation issued by the Ministry of Justice; have at least 2 years experience in translating texts in different specialised fields  (general, legal, technical, economic, medical, transport, etc.); experience in using the Ms. Office package (typing speed, techno-editing); to be fiscally registered and to be able to issue invoice; minimum guaranteed volume: 10 pages per day; experience in consecutive and simultaneous interpretation - is an advantage; organised, responsible, serious, with good communication and relational abilities; to possess minimum logistic equipment (computer, permanent internet connection, telephone, fax).
Name :
Email :
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CV :
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Ma bucur mult ca am reusit sa va cunosc pe majoritatea dintre voi si sper sa colaboram cel putin la fel de bine ca si pana acum.
Cristiana Mihai Marketing&Back Office Manager OTP Asset Management Romania S.A.I. S.A.
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When the World Said No to Corruption
  Copyright © Biroul de Traduceri Champollion