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What my Chickens?
    Retards - we all know one.
About us-Biroul de Traduceri Champollion

After 200 years since Jean-François Champollion has managed to decrypt the famous and enigmatic Egyptian hieroglyphs, he still is and he will always be a first class personality due to his lifetime efforts which made possible the access to ancient Egyptians language, culture and lifestyle. It is well known his huge discovery in the benefit of history, science and humanity.

The great French scientist’s name represents for us, the Champollion Translation Agency, the foundation for building a reliable translation industry within which we stand for the standard.

Starting from this objective, we have undertaken a major responsibility but we have meanwhile created our own value scale, based on elaborated and revolutionising operational methods in order to achieve the highest quality level and offer “professional safety in translations”. 

Our working procedures rely on an innovative order management system, materialised in the internal Champollion software development, which represents a reliable administrative support both for our clients and for the project managers. 

Our staff is remarkable by its attitude, professionalism, maturity, behaviour and professional conduct, qualities which guarantee the successful support of Champollion objectives and projects.

All our translators are authorised by the Ministry of Justice and they are specialised in different activity fields, being reliable professionals who can cope both with challenges and the most intransigent requirements.
Our success is due to the “Champollion Quality Management System”, which focuses on professionalism, promptitude and efficiency as well as on our team’s responsibility and reliability which struggles for the successful outcome of each project.

Large national and international companies count among our clients and their number is continuously increasing, confirming the value of our work. 

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Dear Ms. Adam Appreciated! Best regards Oliver Frönd
Oliver Frönd, E-on energie
No to Corruption
When the World Said No to Corruption
  Copyright © Biroul de Traduceri Champollion